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Serving the islands for over 200 years.

On October 16th 1822, a number of persons formed and constituted in this island of Guernsey a Society called La Fraternelle Mutual Fire Insurance Society with the object of being a mutual company and a guarantee against the danger of fire and lightning for their buildings, furniture, cattle and gathered crops (but excluding monies and documents), for the term of three years. The said society was then renewed by terms of three and five years until the 1st October 1912. At the general meeting of the members held on 18th September 1912, it was resolved to renew the Society for an unlimited term to begin on 1st October 1912.

Today the cover for the society’s policy remains mostly unchanged. The cover has increased over the years and members can now include cover for Subsidence, Accidental Damage and All Risks.

In February 2005, the Guernsey Alliance Insurance Society were looking to cease trading. It was agreed that Orion Insurance Management would take on their business with effect from 1st December 2015, with the 700 GAIS policies being merged into La Fraternelle. Four of the GAIS Directors

expressed a wish to join the Board of Directors and joined La Fraternelle’s Board on 1st November 2005.

La Fraternelle operates in the Bailiwick of Guernsey either direct or through an agency with SPF Private Clients Ltd.